KSCSTE - National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC)

KSCSTE - National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), an institution under Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) is a premier R & D institution in the country which works on multi – modal system of transportation covering road, rail, water, air etc.  Since its inception in 1976, the Centre has been handling research and consultancy projects as per the Country/State’s requirements in the arena of Highway Engineering, Traffic & Transportation Planning, Road Safety, Transport Economics and Management, Techno - Economic Feasibility, Public Transport Studies, Social & Economic impact analysis, Transport Energy and Pollution, Water Transport, Innovative Transport System Applications etc.


An Institution of the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment






Content Maintained and Updated By   :  NATPAC, Government of Kerala

Designed and Hosting By                     :  C-Dit, Government of Kerala

For any query, Please contact              :  contactus.natpac@kerala.gov.in
